Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pitch; Initial Thoughts

I've been hammering out this currently untitled Detective story since just before I went on Co-op last September and it's come a long way, just not quite far enough. When I pitched it in Screenplay Story Development, it was pretty convoluted and I realized I was gonna have to simplify and maybe change some things I didn't want to change. So I spent the second half of break freaking out and trying to make this work. It went to ninth hour, but I had my pitch pretty much down pat, and was feeling good about it. I wasn't nervous. I had it this time...

And then I skipped one sentence. I was fine, but then I fell apart and botched yet another pitch. Yeah, I know I'm the only one who cares, but I wanted to get it right this time. In any case, that brief pitch obviously only scratched the surface of what I have in mind, and there's quite a few things I would like to discuss with Professor Kaufhold, particularly the ending. I really want to avoid too many cliched cop drama tropes and write a good story that doesn't abandon the ideas that made me want to write it in the first place. We'll see, and I'll get more specific about what I'm referring to in the coming days.

If nothing else, this is making me realize how bat shit crazy I am, as I went over my synopsis of this so much that I really had to step away from it for a day. I intend to work a few things out with it tomorrow (crap, it's after midnight, so make that "today"). I actually am looking forward to writing this, which will help immensely. Hopefully I can come up with a title before too long, so I have something a little more formal by which to refer to it.

If I go on any further, I'll start ranting about things I hate, so that's all for now.