Friday, October 22, 2010

Before I get back to talking about important stuff...

Title ideas:
1.) Something to Lose
2.) Going It Alone
3.) Nothing to Lose
4.) Gunpoint
5.) Lethal Force

And now, for an overly elaborate analogy:
Imagine you've got a messy room to clean, full of crap you can't throw away. So you set about just separating everything into categories, insisting that you'll arrange it all properly later. The separation process is tough and grueling, but once it's done, you basically pass out and think, "Okay, all that's done. Now I just gotta arrange it later. Easy." So some time later, you come back to the room and see all the separated stuff and realize that you have no freakin' clue how you're gonna arrange everything or if you'll even be able to do so at all and that, in any case, it's gonna take forever. So you curl up in the fetal position and write a blog where you make a weird analogy about the room and throw out possible titles.

Some people would have just said "Hey, revising this story's gonna be tough," and left it at that. But I'm a writer with blog space to fill, dammit.

1 comment:

  1. That's one of the most succinct ways to describe a rewrite that I've ever seen. My only advice about the rewrite is this: don't try and look at the whole thing at any one time. Break it down into small parts, or else it's like looking into the sun.
