Sunday, August 29, 2010

Midpoint Thoughts

Well, I guess I should first give myself a pat on the back for not only getting everything in on time, but doing so with a reasonable amount of time to spare and without completely losing my mind (emphasis on "completely"). There's no point in trying to determine if I think that what I wrote is genius, trash, or anywhere between, because my answer could be different on any given day. The days after finishing one of these sections are interesting - a little intimidating - in that I have to take a step back from the script and mentally re-adjust. I don't mean "stepping back" in the sense of not working on it since I have been for the last two days. However, I find that I have to think about what got me excited about writing in the script in the first place and see how much progress I've made in achieving those things. It's almost like I've been swimming through the ocean and now I've found a floating log to hold onto for a minute before I start pressing on again... yeah, I guess that analogy works.

So I have to focus on just blasting through a section, pausing long enough to think about what needs to happen in the next one, and pressing forward. It's odd how certain things that you swore needed to happen in your story when you started end up being easily tossed to the side, while others prove to be every bit as essential as you initially thought. And I'm really, really hoping that I can keep the work on this section more evenly distributed than the others so it's not a mad dash to get it done during the second week. But it always starts as such a jumbled mess initially and takes shape gradually. I find that I'm not all that great at predicting how much time a sequence will take, so it's always a roller coaster ride in itself to see if I've got too much, not enough, or just the right amount.

I'll edit this tomorrow or so, as I had a lot of thoughts, and I'd say only a fraction of them are springing to mind in a jumbled mess right now.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I just write what pops in my head. I started with the ending and then did little of beginning and then I did the entire middle and worked my way up to the end. I'll go back and write my opening because my main character changes though out the film and I think it's best for me to go back and see how he started after everything he went through. I don't do things like others do. But this works for me:)
